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Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::absoluteURI() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/constants.inc.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::get_tmp_dir() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/constants.inc.php on line 74 Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::base_version() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/header.php on line 29 Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::base_version() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/header.php on line 29 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::val() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/header.php on line 39 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.gpc.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Cookie::val() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/header.php on line 49 Strict Standards: Non-static method Cookie::has() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.gpc.php on line 134 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::val() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/header.php on line 52 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.gpc.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::val() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/header.php on line 52 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.gpc.php on line 26 Deprecated: Non-static method Flyspray::setCookie() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.project.php on line 40 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::enum() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/index.php on line 20 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::val() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.gpc.php on line 37 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.gpc.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Filters::enum() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.gpc.php on line 37 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/index.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/index.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Cookie::has() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/index.php on line 33 Strict Standards: Non-static method Get::val() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/index.php on line 41 Strict Standards: Non-static method Get::has() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.gpc.php on line 100 Strict Standards: Non-static method Get::val() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/index.php on line 101 Strict Standards: Non-static method Get::has() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.gpc.php on line 100 Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::requestDuplicated() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/index.php on line 110 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/index.php on line 149 Strict Standards: Non-static method Get::num() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/scripts/index.php on line 22 Strict Standards: Non-static method Get::val() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.gpc.php on line 106 Strict Standards: Non-static method Get::has() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.gpc.php on line 100 Strict Standards: Non-static method Filters::num() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.gpc.php on line 106 Strict Standards: Non-static method Backend::get_task_list() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/scripts/index.php on line 34 Strict Standards: Non-static method Filters::enum() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.backend.php on line 1042 Strict Standards: Non-static method Filters::enum() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.backend.php on line 1043 Strict Standards: Non-static method Filters::enum() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.backend.php on line 1045 Strict Standards: Non-static method Filters::enum() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.backend.php on line 1046 Strict Standards: Non-static method Get::val() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/scripts/index.php on line 173 Strict Standards: Non-static method Get::has() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.gpc.php on line 100 Strict Standards: Non-static method Get::has() should not be called statically in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/scripts/index.php on line 180 Deprecated: Non-static method Flyspray::listThemes() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /data/web/72/b7/90/wikiss.tuxfamily.org/htdocs/bts/includes/class.tpl.php on line 35